Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bye Bye Binky!!!

So I have to admit, I feel bad that I let my daughter make it to 2 3/4 with a binky at bedtime. I wasn't too worried though, it fell out of her mouth about 2 seconds after she fell asleep. So any fears we had about orthodontic nightmares were not huge. Just for kicks though, a few nights ago I decided to see how she would react to bedtime with no bink. As we were getting ready for bed I asked her if she was a big girl and she said yes. Then I asked her if she thought binkies were for babies. The answer again yes......hmmm. I was getting a little braver, so I decided to go for it. I asked her if she was ready to give them up. The answer......again yes!!! WHAT? I thought for sure she was psychin' me out. But that night after our story and our prayer I said "ok, are you ready?" and she said "yep" I put them in the pocket of my bathrobe, kissed her, and walked out of the room. As I shut the door, I thought I would her a desperate cry for the bink, but nothing. The next morning, Daddy made a big deal about being such a big girl, and we haven't talked about it since. I am so proud of her. Yet another reminder that our little girl is growing up.


Anonymous said...

aaww, that's awesome she's a big girl now, but so sad to think she's almost three, it was just yesterday.....my how time flies. Now we can save all the binks for lil' Julianna or Joshlane(my how creative) when she arrives! You need to keep poppin' out them bebes so I can keep obessessing over names!!!

Kate said...

Layla is freaking amazing!!