Friday, August 8, 2008

The County Fair

Last night my husband and I took our daughter to the county fair. It's always an interesting experience, however this year there was a little excitement thrown into the mix. As we were standing in line for a ride, we noticed some commotion over by the ferris wheel. There were instantly about 4 or 5 cops trying to diffuse the situation, but the perp ( copish) just wouldn't relent. As they tried to remove him, he resisted. He was quickly tackled to the ground, but the fool wouldn't give up. So he got tased (did I spell that right?) AWESOME!! I felt like I was on an episode of "Cops." It was the highlight of the evening. The only thing that made my heart beat faster, was watching our little princess smile with delight as she rode the carnival rides. A'int she cute (sorry I think the fair had some effect on me).


Kate said...

I'm glad you took and went on down to that there fair.
Come to Jefferson County and have a little CLASS!

Karasmith said...

You're good at cop talk. You'd probably operate your taser very well also. If nursing doesn't work out for you this is a great career option!