Sunday, September 30, 2007

Can't Make Up My Mind

Ok, so for the last couple of times you've visited my blog you've probably noticed some changes. I have found that I get bored with the templates and have been testing some new ones out. I've tried out several of the templates blogspot offers, but I just can't seem to settle. I'm not really too excited about any of the templates anyway. If anyone's got any ideas for how I can get creative let me know


justjuls said...

You can google free templates for blogspot - and there are a bunch of really awesome ones -
Figuring out how to add them is a different story.
I know a lady that will do a personalized one and it is only $20 - She is Goofy Girl and there is a button on one of my sidebars.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I decided I don't like this layout. Kinda funky. Try another! And thanks again for switching all these days with me at work. You're a lifesaver!!! love ya!

Kate said...

If Julie can't figure it out it must be hard! I made my own header...that's about all I could do.

Kate said...

I like green. So now you're just going to leave the same entry up and keep changing the background. Lane!

Anonymous said...

Green doesn't remind me of Laney, too boogerish, like the snot from....ok enough enough. lol. hurry up and write somethin''s not like you have anything else to do..ghees!! ;-p