Friday, September 14, 2007

Pee Pee on the Potty

Now that Layla's about to turn 2, we have decided that it's time to start daunting task of potty training. She's definitely interested in going potty and has gotten into the habit of grabbing her little butt and saying poot (not poop poot). Yesterday she got up from her nap, sweat-soaked hair plastered to her head, and I asked her if she wanted to go potty. She answered with an enthusiastic YES and the result is this picture. I can't wait to embarrass her when she brings home a boyfriend......


Kate said...

Layla is the smartest girl in the entire freakin universe. And she is adorable on the potty.

Karasmith said...

Now she is only a hop, skip, and a leap away from doing the dishes!!!

Anonymous said...

Soooo cute! She'll hate that picture when she's 13.