Thursday, May 31, 2007

Hind Sight Is 20/20

It's a cliche I know, but it really is. When I'm worried about life and the challenges it brings, I look back at where I've been. Then one thing that brings me the most comfort is knowing God is in control. Now, I know that He is in control and things work out according to His will but, I sometimes like to think I can have some input. However, ultimately He knows what is best even though we may not always agree. Like for example, when I was pregnant with our daughter, I said "Ok Lord, I don't care if it's a boy or a girl, just let it have dark hair and blue eyes." Well, He was listening! That's exactly what I got, a beautiful, healthy, dark-haired, blue-eyed baby girl. Awesome!! It doesn't always happen that way though. Next example, I'm in high school. I'm president of a marketing club, taking business classes, and preparing to be a huge ad exec in NY. Does that I go in the total opposite direction and earn a nursing degree and devote my life to taking care of others. At times, I'm frustrated, confused, angry, scared and so much more but, then I look back. I see His hand moving in all of it. He carries me, guides me, loves me, comforts me and shows me where I need to be. When I finished nursing school, I had job offers for 3 different floors in my hospital. I was fully prepared to stay on GI and take care of all of the ulcers, GI Bleeds, pancreatitis', etc. I had been there for a year and a half. Did I stay there no. I went to work on a renal unit and started taking care of people with kidney failure. Little did I know He was preparing me to serve my sister. My little, beautiful, wonderful, innocent baby sister. Recently, she was diagnosed with kidney failure and will soon start dialysis. God has prepared my heart to love her even more. I don't know why she has to go through this, but I know He has never let me down and like my sister Kara says, he has plans for her. I know someday I will look back and again see His hand moving in this and again hind sight will be 20/20. For now I will "trust in Him with all my heart" and take every opportunity to squeeze my Grace. Grace......what a perfect name for her.........


James said...

So do you LIKE making your mommy cry or what?

Kate said...

I love you Lane.