Monday, December 15, 2008

Remember She's Watching

Today was beautiful like 65 degrees in the middle of December! So we decided to spend some much needed time outside. For her 3rd birthday, Layla got a Barbie Jeep. She loves it, but is still learning how to drive it. Anyway, after a frustrating ride down the street, we took it to the back yard. At this age Layla is really starting to do "pretend play." So she informed me that she needed gas and was going to the store (a tree in the yard). I laughed and told her to buckle up and she waved goodbye. She drove a few yards, stopped and got out to pump her gas. Then got back in to head to the store. As she was "parking" I heard her say "Whoa, you're not getting my spot lady!" then she got out and strutted up to "the store." I almost fell out. I guess I need to be more aware of what comes out of my mouth at all times. Dang that Pastor Tim.


Anonymous said...

hahahaha, hilarious!!! next thing you know, she'll be driving to the store to get daddys beer, and using explicatives all the way. You better watch out!

Kate said...

She is sooooooo a little you. Guess that's why I love her so.

Karasmith said...

That girl is 3 going on 35!! She makes me laugh. I miss you guys!!