Thursday, November 20, 2008


You forget how something so small can make something so massive. Today I took Layla to spend her b-day money from Pap Pap in Toys R Us. We get there and the baby's fussy. So the three of us squeeze into one of the child-sized changing rooms so I can nurse her. As I'm sitting there praying no one opens the door and sees my goods hangin' out, it happened. Red-faced and working hard, she rips one (Lauren) and a few seconds later another. Great now I will have to strip off her snuggly and all the layers and change her. I'm trying not to fall over Layla and the car seat on the floor and then I saw it. Poop city. The biggest poo ever. It was all the way through to her snuggly, but fortunately I had a change of clothes. However now how was she going to stay warm. I thought briefly of using a wipe and swiping off as much as possibly and wrapping her back up. (What, it was on the back no one would see) Then I realized that was a bad idea. So I changed her clothes and wrapped her up in the blanket as best I could. I tried to ignore the "I can't believe she doesn't have a coat or hat on that baby" looks but I know they were there. Oh well ya just gotta do what ya just gotta poo, I mean do.


justjuls said...

Ha ha - all of us moms have prolific poop stories! The hardest part is when you're a veteran - I mean you've done this before - and you wonder why you didn't see it coming!
Sorry! You terrible mother! Bundle your baby up - would ya? :)
Ha - guess they'd much rather you leave her swimming in her own poo!

Karasmith said...

HA! I love disaster-poop stories! Awesome.