Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Well, I must confess that I am addicted. When my sister Kara told me that my mom had a facebook page, I went to check it out. The problem is you can't check it out unless you join. Well that was my mistake. I joined and was almost instantly connected with a ton of friends (some I haven't seen or talked to in years) and became hooked. It's like a form of crack, I check it about 10 times a day to see if anyone's written on my wall, or to see who's online to chat with. I love it!! It's so easy to use and fun too. So for all of you who haven't tried it (KIRSTEN) please check it out. Yes I'm peer pressuring you ....all the cool kids are doing it, you will be so popular if you do.......


Anonymous said...

Yeah your rite Lane it is adictive, but I have only just started mine

justjuls said...

Facebook is awesome!