Saturday, March 15, 2008

Bump In The Night

So one of the awesome things about pregnancy (sarcasm here) is that you are totally drooling asleep at 8:30pm and wake about every 2-3 hrs to pee. This morning about 2:15 I woke up to pee and just when I caught the edge of sleep I heard a noise. I didn't think anything of it at first, it sounded like the dog coming up the stairs. But then I realized both dogs were in the room with us....hmmm. Don't freak out, I told myself and tried desperately to fall back to sleep. Then I heard it again. Ok, wake up the man sleeping next to you and have him check it out. So after about the third "JOSH," he woke up. I explained what he heard and our protector went off to check it out. He gave the whole house the once-over and came back to the room. I felt a little better after that, but still wanted to be sure. I decided to go downstairs and let out our ferocious schnauzer to get the bad guys lurking outside. He had been out for a few minutes and just as I was calling him back in, he barked and someone/something made the scariest noise I'd ever heard. Josh came back upstairs, he'd been checking the basement again, said "close the door and get upstairs" I was frozen and shaking, I don't know if I've ever been so freaked out in my life. He grabbed his hunting rifle and I called the cops. A few minutes later the nice officer checked out everything outside, put our minds at ease and left. We were still feeling a little jittery, but able to get back to sleep. Now just so you don't think we were over-reacting, I will tell you that we have had problems with break-ins in the neighborhood and last year one of our neighbors was held up at gunpoint in her own driveway (just around the corner from us). I like to think of the town we live in as a little rough, so I don't think it hurts to be overly cautious. I hate being afraid in my own house.


justjuls said...

Me too!
We had our basement alarm go off once and I was never so scared. Travis slept through it too! Turned out it was a bug crawling across the motion detector.

Anonymous said...

eeewwww....sssccaaaahhhhyyyyyy!!!! I'm glad you guys are alright. I would have so freaked out too. You guys need to move! Close to me!

Kate said...

No, move to Avon Bend! Right now.

Anonymous said...

I think one of the neighborhood cats was picking on Bailey