Friday, October 24, 2008

Daddy's Little Girl

The other night my family and I were in the rec room watching TV when my husband asked Layla to get him a beer. She walked over to the fridge, grabbed him a beer then without being asked, grabbed the opener from the ping-pong table. She walked over to her Daddy, and handed him his treasure. He was beaming with pride. In fact, I think I even saw a tear in his eye. If ever we needed any affirmation that she is in fact, a "freakin' genius" there it was! Layla, you've set the expectation bar so high for your sister.


justjuls said...

Oh my gosh that is too funny!

Anonymous said...

So maybe we should worry about the first little one changing her name to Hailey Higdon!!! Either that or being able to recite, My name is Layla and I'm an ......the first step is admitting you have a problem. haha j/k

Kate said...

Nice. You've turned my granddaughter into a beer wench.

Kirsten said...

Brilliant. Your girl is a model for her cousins. : )